Creates a plot of the sensitivity analysis.
- data
The data to be plotted.
- dims
A list representing the number of rows and columns our plots will be split into.
- result_type
An indicator that indicates if a count or boxplot should be plotted.
- sub_title
A list of titles for each individual subplot.
- title
The title of the overall figure.
- caption
The caption of the overall figure.
Creates a grid of plots. Each plot is created using ggplot2::geom_count()
The number of observations at each location is counted and then the count is
mapped to point area on the plot.
The x-axis is the true COI, and the y-axis is the estimated COI. The counts are plotted in blue, and red line is drawn with the equation \(y = x\). This line indicates where the blue circles should be if the algorithm was 100% correct.
See also
for more information on count plots and the
ggplot2 website.
Other plotting functions: