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Generate the theoretical relationship between the WSMAF (\(\bf{w}\)), the PLMAF (\(\bf{p}\)), and the COI (\(k\)).


  plmaf = seq(0, 0.5, length.out = 101),
  coi_method = c("variant", "frequency")



The COIs for which the relationship will be generated.


The population-level minor allele frequency over which the relationship will be generated.


The method we will use to generate the theoretical relationship. The method is either "variant" or "frequency". The default value is "variant".


A tibble() containing the generated values. Each column is named with the COI used. The last column of the tibble contains the PLMAF.


#> # A tibble: 101 × 6
#>    coi_1   coi_2  coi_3  coi_4  coi_5 plmaf
#>    <dbl>   <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1     0 0       0      0      0      0    
#>  2     0 0.00995 0.0149 0.0199 0.0248 0.005
#>  3     0 0.0198  0.0297 0.0394 0.0490 0.01 
#>  4     0 0.0295  0.0443 0.0587 0.0728 0.015
#>  5     0 0.0392  0.0588 0.0776 0.0961 0.02 
#>  6     0 0.0488  0.0731 0.0963 0.119  0.025
#>  7     0 0.0582  0.0873 0.115  0.141  0.03 
#>  8     0 0.0676  0.101  0.133  0.163  0.035
#>  9     0 0.0768  0.115  0.151  0.185  0.04 
#> 10     0 0.0859  0.129  0.168  0.206  0.045
#> # ℹ 91 more rows
theoretical_coi(1:5, coi_method = "frequency")
#> # A tibble: 101 × 6
#>    coi_1   coi_2   coi_3   coi_4   coi_5 plmaf
#>    <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl>   <dbl> <dbl>
#>  1   NaN NaN     NaN     NaN     NaN     0    
#>  2   NaN   0.500   0.335   0.252   0.202 0.005
#>  3   NaN   0.500   0.337   0.254   0.204 0.01 
#>  4   NaN   0.500   0.338   0.256   0.206 0.015
#>  5   NaN   0.500   0.340   0.258   0.208 0.02 
#>  6   NaN   0.500   0.342   0.260   0.210 0.025
#>  7   NaN   0.50    0.343   0.262   0.212 0.03 
#>  8   NaN   0.5     0.345   0.264   0.214 0.035
#>  9   NaN   0.5     0.347   0.265   0.217 0.04 
#> 10   NaN   0.5     0.348   0.268   0.219 0.045
#> # ℹ 91 more rows